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Convert Gallons to Litres to Imperial Gallons.

Canadian fuel is sold by the litre, you can convert it to US gallons with our volume conversion tool supplies here. Use it to convert gallons to litres, litres to Imperial gallons, Imperial gallon to litres, US gallons to Imperial gallons, US gallons to litres.

US Gallons: Imperial Gallons: Litres:

Convertions for U.S. Gallons to Canadian Liters

Calculation Variables Used in Function:
1 U.S. Gallon = 0.83267 Canadian (Imperial) Gallons
1 Canadian Gallon = 1.201 U.S. Gallons
1 U.S. Gallon = 3.785 Liters
1 Can Gallon = 4.546 Liters

Convert Canadian Gallons to Liters to US Gallons, Canadian fuel is sold by the litre, convert it to US gallons with this volume conversion tool. Convert gallons to litres, litres to imperial gallons, imperial gallon to litres, US gallons to imperial gallons, US gallons to litres. Convert Canadian gallon to litres to US gallon with the gallons to litres conversion tool above.

Also See the conversion matrix to Convert Miles to Kilometers for checking mileage.