Bear Creek Cabins and RV Park
Mile 2, Richardson Highway
3181 Richardson Hwy
Valdez, Alaska
Owners — Tim and LaVerne Eickman
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Bear Creek Cabins and RV Park
Mile 2, Richardson Highway
3181 Richardson Hwy
Valdez, Alaska
Owners — Tim and LaVerne Eickman
Super sites: 25x75 w/50 amp service: $39
Regular sites: 25x55 with 30 amp service: $35
Dry sites: 25x55: $25
Monthly rates: $600.00
Freezer: $1 per day
RV or boat storage: $50 month or $2 day
Cable TV per day: $2.00
Wifi per day: $2.00
Cable TV/Wifi Combo per day: $3.00
Cable TV & Wifi/Month: $35.00
Visiting Valdez Alaska? There's lots to see and do in the most well known seaport in all of
Alaska; the terminus of the famous Alaska Pipeline and an important fishing and sightseeing
location too.