The Gathering Place
7 mile Lutak Road
Haines Alaska 99827
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The Gathering Place
7 mile Lutak Road
Haines Alaska 99827
The Gathering Place located at mile 7 Lutak Road in Haines, AK 99827. Call 907-766-3324
Just getting to Haines is a journey worth taking. Driving the Haines Highway from the Alaska Highway 155 miles to the north in Haines Junction, Yukon to the town of Haines near the head of Lynn Canal is truly a destination worth of the quest. The Haines Highway is one of the most spectacular drives in the north. Keep your cameras handy as you pass through, over and around the imagistic mountains with high peaks, glaciers, rivers, streams and lakes all the way to Haines Alaska. The Haines Highway is paved and well maintained and there are lodges, restaurants & campgrounds scattered along the way.
Allow around 3½ hours driving time to cover the Haines Highway from Haines Junction in the Yukon Territory to the town of Haines AK.
Driving distances from Haines to other destinations in Alaska and the Yukon Territory: